Six months ago the media Nostradamii were predicting it was all but over. It was going to be Rudy vs. Hillary. Book it, Danno.
Last week, after Iowa, the all-seeing, all-knowing David Brooks opined in The New York Times that it was all but over. It was going to be Barack vs. Huck. Cue the Fat Lady.
So imagine my surprise when I woke this morning to find that, after consulting the Oracle of New Hampshire, the press had now divined that it shall be Mama Hillary vs. Grandpa John. Slam dunk.
Youth and Change, the two goddesses that had so fired the imaginations of Americans a scant five days previously, had been replaced by Same Old and Same Even Older.
I predict a furious battle. Ah, what a race it shall be, she with her cane and he with his walker, she in tears and he grumbling about his arthritic war wounds, leading us all hobbling towards the nursing home of democracy.
The corporate media got a little ahead of themselves, didn't they? Eventually, they'll get exactly the race they want, but it takes time to fully discredit the candidates they don't like.
Funny how last year the corporate media was promising us this was dust up we'd be seeing, only to have the opinion polls and Iowa caucuses prove them wrong. Luckily, the Diebold voting machines stepped up in the nick of time so that they might save face.
If'n ya can't trust the mega media types, who can you trust? ; (
Nice one!
Wait - it is, as they say, all but over!!!
Too bad I cannot vote :-(
Yeah, the bankers will tell us who they want. I see Kerry gave Obama the kiss of death today with his endorsement.
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