I was at my stockbroker friend's for supper the other night. You might remember him. He's one of those "Independents" who has never voted Democratic in his life but that's just because he hasn't found one worth voting for. So I was surprised to hear, from his own lips, that he is for Barack Obama.
"What?" a crumb of meatball slid out the side of my mouth.
"Yup," he nods, head down, forking his mashed potatoes. "I think I'm gonna finally vote for a Democrat.
I was stunned. I set down my fork and dabbed the corner of my mouth with my napkin. I didn't know what to say. I was in shock. He continued:
"I suppose you're wondering why.
I nodded. This was big. This was very big. Him even thinking about voting Democratic would be like...would be like...
"It's the fundrasing. The organization. The organization and the fundraising. I mean look at the guy! He starts with nothing, pitting himself against the most formidable political machine ever assembled: the Clintons! The Clintons, for goddsakes! And somehow, some way, he has assembled a machine that is light years ahead of the Clintons! He's putting them to shame! He's leavin' 'em in the dust! He's so far ahead that Hillary has to borrow money from herself! How did he do that? Any business person, Republican or Democrat, looks at that and they say, 'That's genius!'
"Genius?" I mumbled. "Not a word you hear too much when discussing politicians.
"So," my friend said, leaning over his peas, "if he can do THAT,...," he tapped his head with his fork, "...if he can do that...", he shook his fork at me, "...if he can do that, well,...," he shoved a forkful of potatoes and peas in his mouth and nodded and chewed, as if I could finish his sentence myself.
"So," he said with food in his mouth. "Who you fo'?
That was easy. "Well, ever since I heard he got the endorsement of Scarlett Johannson I've been for Obama.
"Oprah not good enough for you? I mean, that's like getting the endorsement from God.
"God is one thing. I'm talkin' about Scarlett Johannson.
"Ah! Well, it's nice to see you're still as stupid as you used to be, Neil.
"I try not to change. It confuses people.
It would seem that both Scarlett Johansson and Barack Obama exhibit unexplainable mind control abilities. The two of them, together on the same ticket would surely prove unstoppable!
I've wondered where you've been.
I'll vote against any republican, always. Unfortunately, I'm still not happy with a choice of only 2 parties, and people who still are tied to the BIG $$$$, no matter what rhetoric they spew! ; (
Thanks for checking in again!
Baracks got Mo!
We are Obamanos too, and if Scarlett Johansson is not convincing enough, then Samuel L. Jackson would like to have a word with you (hopefully he will not have to resort to quoting Ezekiel)
and George Clooney.....and WHO else....Mo is Mo....( my son also was very impressed with Scarlett singin'....)
loved your post.....( now I am really hungry for tatos and peas)
my son and I are rooting for Obama...all the way.....
Firstly; Ditto E4E's "tatos and peas" hunger. Mmmmm....
Ah, errr, and Me for Mo, too.
(Whe'er you're done (again) or not, I do so Love your style, oh Crisp One!
More, please!)
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